Welcome to Christian Broadcasting Channel Foundation Inc.


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Norske sider


CBC  Manager

Rosalyn Llanasa " Eng "



Felicidad Bunag Ottesen




    Leader of "Moments of Prayer"




It was in Oslo in our small kitchen, where the Lord trained me, taught me the way
of the Lord in prayer, gave me wisdom and opened my understanding of His word.

The Holy Spirit had become real to me. I sensed His presence every time He
entered the room. He was so real to me that every time I sensed His presence, I
would start to sing songs, pray in tongues and worship God or just be quiet for
more time to hear from Him-His Voice. These experiences I NEVER heard from
any Filipino pastor, teacher or any spiritual leader. I was in the School of the
Holy Spirit in those 5 years in Oslo.

These experiences, knowledge, understanding the Lord, the Holy Spirit had
imparted in me, my Filipino countrymen MUST hear and learn to practice in life.

At the beginning of the ministry-TV ministry-very few knew about CBC.
It’s not really that easy to start. As we continued and went on after few years, the
ministry started to be known.

Many pastors have cable TV in their homes. They take down notes from our
programmers-international programmers and teach them to their members.

Many Christian leaders-pastors-get wisdom and share them with their members
as they hear teachings from television especially CBC the only Christian TV
operating 24 hours a day,7 days a week.

According to Parasat cable where CBC is connected there were people going
to their office asking about the Christian television being broadcasted on the air.
They have heard about praying on air and the lessons or teachings on air and
they want to have them at their own homes.

Our morning program, “Moments of Prayers” has become popular. Many
send text messages experiencing gratitude for the answered prayers they received
“the Lord”, they said indeed “answers prayers.”

The people’s faith has increased, we received messages thanking us and
encouraging us to continue this good works, they become close to God. They
learn the truth about worship and prayer.

Many ask where our church is. There are others expressing desire to
open a Bible study in their own home.


Board of Trustees

 Our Programmers


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Copyright © 2004 Christian Broadcasting Channel
Last modified: april 30, 2017